What are the eligibility requirements? Is the program open to high school students or non-traditional students or professionals?


In order to be eligible to participate, you must meet the following minimum criteria:

  • Be at least 18 years of age

  • Reside in a country not embargoed by the United States

  • Able to commit at least 20 hours per week to this program

  • Know how to code in at least one programming language

  • Be a proficient English speaker

  • Have been a participant in at least one MLH Hackathon or Global Hack Week event

  • Have access to a video call quality Internet connection. You can use a speed test tool (e.g., Fast.com) to check your internet connection. We recommend a minimum of 30 Mbps; 50 Mbps is better

Beyond that, the MLH Fellowship is open to all developers, regardless of where you  live, the stage of your career, or what type of institution you attend(ed).If you are looking for some inspiring stories of people switching careers, coming from non-traditional backgrounds, and different countries, you may find them in our MLH Blog.