General FAQs
I did not find answers to my questions here. Where can I go?
You are welcoming to join MLH Community Discord: . There, you will find channels labeled #fellowship-faq and #ask-fe...
What are the eligibility requirements? Is the program open to high school students or non-traditional students or professionals?
In order to be eligible to participate, you must meet the following minimum criteria: Be at least 18 years of age Reside in a country not embargoed ...
How are Fellows matched to projects?
Qualified applicants are matched to educational projects based on a variety of factors. These include, but are not limited to: relevant programming la...
Is this considered an internship, job, or any form of employment?
No. The MLH Fellowship is an educational fellowship program. Think about it like taking a class. Fellows may receive an educational stipend as part o...
What is the required time commitment from Fellows?
We estimate that you will spend roughly 20 hours per week on this program, including networking and other fun events. You should expect to spend about...
Do I need to know how to code already? At what level?
You will need to be proficient in at least one programming language to participate. You should have some experience working on a variety of projects u...
Can the MLH Fellowship be used for college/university or Internship credit?
Yes! Many fellows have used the program for college or internship credit. Download the below PDF to learn more.
How often does the program take place?
We run three 12-week programs per year, roughly aligning with the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters of the academic calendar. The program pages have ...
Can I apply/participate in multiple programs?
Due to the overwhelming number of applications we receive, you'll only be able to apply for 1 program per Batch. We recommend spending some time think...
Does this cost money?
No! For all Fellowship cohorts beginning January 2022 or later, there is no application fee and no cost to participate in the program itself once you ...
What kinds of projects will I be involved with?
Fellows will collaborate on projects that align their personal interests with the general demands of the industry. We select projects based on feedbac...
Is there a stipend for participation in the program?
Yes, we are pleased to offer a stipend to all accepted Fellows. The stipend won’t replace a full-time job, but it can help offset some of your living ...
Where does this program take place?
This is a fully remote program. You can participate from your home or anywhere else you can focus. You will need to have access to a high-speed intern...
What is the MLH Fellowship?
The MLH Fellowship is a 12-week internship alternative for aspiring technologists. Our programs pair a fun, educational curriculum with practical expe...